MSgt Castro and Sgt Nance were killed in a crash of a Military Airlift Command C-5A transport plane near Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam, at the onset of Operation: BABYLIFT activities.�These two men continued filming until impact, and according to survivors, MSgt Castro was last seen with his Motion Picture Camera at his shoulder filming action around him while Sgt Nance held the photo light high for him.
------ From AFTWS Wingman on 1 Jul 09: MASTER SERGEANT JOE CASTRO and SERGEANT KENNETH E. NANCE 4 April 1975, MSgt Castro and Sgt Nance were killed in a crash of a Military Airlift Command C-5A transport plane near Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam, at the onset of Operation: BABYLIFT activities. These two men continued filming until impact, and according to survivors, MSgt Castro was last seen with his Motion Picture Camera at his shoulder filming action around him while Sgt Nance held the photo light high for him. Source: He was killed on 12 April 1975 which is end of service years. --------
April 10, 1970, SSgt Edward W. Strain worked for Armed Forces Thailand Network (AFTN) which supplied the troops with news, weather and music. A battle damaged F-4 returning to Udorn RTAFB Thailand on final approach went out of control, Both crewmembers ejected to safety and the aircraft crashed into the AFTN station killing all nine men working that day.